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Indigenous Treatment

W O L Foundation values the importance of patient empowerment and patient-centered care. There is a need for learning and reconciliation in medicine as there are notable inequities in the health status of the Indigenous population in comparison to the general population. Access to traditional medicine practices is essential to Indigenous treatment. The Indigenous community deserves to receive culturally appropriate care free of racism and stereotyping. Engagement and acknowledgement of their culture to support diabetic care, and other illnesses, that they unfortunately face at a very disproportionately high rate, in comparison to the general population, is crucial. Traditional Indigenous healing practices must be re-introduced in their healthcare programs. This approach recognizes that patients come from diverse cultural backgrounds and their culture can impact their behaviours, and responses to treatment.

Acceptance of Holistic Medicine

The acceptance of holistic and traditional approach to health care will enhance and strengthen the overall care for the Indigenous communities. Traditional wellness and healing are a very important part of Indigenous health that is often overlooked by the current health care system. Holistic wellness is believed to lead to better long-term results for Indigenous individuals, families and communities. Therefore, we aim to incorporate traditional healing practices, administered by Indigenous healers.

Treatment Goals

We aim to amalgamate the culturally relevant healing factors that already exist with the scientific-based practices that is lacking effectiveness. We would like to establish trusted relationships in communities with high prevalence rates of diabetes. We intend to do this through three pathways: lowering the rates of limb amputations, reducing kidney dialysis, and providing affordable, and equitable health services.


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